5 Things Successful People Do To Develop A Legacy

 Have you ever wondered why some people get so much out of life while others do not? Well, here are 5 things successful people do to develop their legacy. Try them out and you will become an icon in your family, community, and profession long before your living days are done.  
1. They set and achieve goals persistently. You cannot improve in anything you do unless you set some targets and achieve them. Successful people understand that you can never be too good at what you do or too successful in your endeavors. You always have a goal to achieve. You thrive to do something that no one before you did. You seek to learn and master skills you didn’t know before.   You look for new mountains to clime no matter your age or limitations.  You develop a reputation for being someone who get things done no matter the task.    

2. They develop the right networks. 
You cannot succeed alone. You need a network of people who know things that you do not know. You should seek and listen to their expert advice, analyze it, and then implement it if it makes sense. Do not rely on your wisdom in everything you do because you cannot know everything. Establish a mind power council of
elders, professional experts, mentors, spiritual advisors, and a strategic thinker among others. Connect with people in positions of influence and accomplishment in their lives because they can help propel you to the next level.  

3. Take responsibility for your actions and learn from your failures. You will never be successful if you do not accept responsibility for your actions even if it is just in private. Without doing so, you would never learn from your mistakes. Instead, you would blame others for your failures and doing that will cost you many good friends. If you learn from your mistakes, you can correct them and even prevent them in future. You can build stronger relationships with those around you and generate better ideas than you did before you took responsibility for your actions.  You build a reputation for being a stand-up person.

4. Family is everything. You strive to live for a cause greater than yourself.  You protect the welfare of your family from external and internal negative forces. Think in terms of building wealth and prosperity for future generations. You want your family to benefit from what you have worked for throughout your life.  Most of all, you invest time and past on wisdom to your children and grandchildren to prepare them to take your place in the future. By doing so, your name will live forever, and your grandchildren and great grandchildren will cherish stories about you.

5. Take care of your body, mind, and spirit. 
You cannot be successful if your body is unable to handle the pressure that comes with working hard. You have to keep it healthy with exercise and a healthy diet. You also have to have a sound mind for you to make the right decisions at the right time. Doing so is impossible if you have too much stress. Finally, you must be in good spirit for you to think clearly. You also cannot enjoy life or interact with others positively if you are in a bad mood all the time. Take care of yourself so that you serve as a model of fitness and health to others and live life to the fullest. 

I hope these suggested strategies will encourage you to build on your legacy. When the time comes to depart this earth, what would you like to be remembered for? Don’t leave it to someone else to define your legacy.

Written by Dr. RL Kight for Mind Power Solutions.  Visit www.mindpowersolutions.com to learn more about our personal development and training services.