3 Ways to Manage Your Mindset During the Coronavirus Pandemic 

The unexpected impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19) is a serious setback for all of us. Unfortunately, some people will not be able to make adjustments to keep their wheels in motion while others will remain unstoppable in pursuit of their goals and accomplishments. The truth is your mindset is ultimately what will make the difference in your ability to effectively deal with this current situation. There is a lot of negative information coming at you and unusual lifestyle changes taking place every day. It’s important that you manage your thoughts during this period of uncertainty and change. Managing your thoughts through these tough times will enable you not to be overcome no matter what happens. If you or know someone who is having a rough time making the adjustment to the world, we now find ourselves living in, here are 3 suggested ways to manage your mindset:

Start Off Your Day From A Position of Strength

Your day’s effectiveness is normally determined in the first few morning hours. If you start checking the Facebook newsfeed and emails when you get out of bed for an update on COVID-19, you will start to drift down the slippery slope of negative thinking. You cannot allow this situation to dominate your thoughts from morning until night. Begin your morning with an activity that will give you a positive mental focus. Tune out all the negativity in the world. Start with a brainstorming session of positive self-talk or listen to inspirational music to help uplift your thoughts. You might want to reserve the first two hours for prayer, meditation, and exercise to establish your thought process for the day.

Control What Goes In Your Head

Are you filling your mind with positive information or reading emails and listening to the rehash of COVID-19 news stories repeatedly? Stop immediately if you are doing the latter. You have no idea of the negative impact the constant intake of this information has on your sense of reality. No, the world is not coming to an end. Back away from it and your anxiety and stress levels are bound to go down. Be disciplined about the things you allow to go through your mind. Although you cannot change your current situation, you can opt to be more vigilant about the sort of information you choose to consume. This is an excellent opportunity to expand your reading to enhance your personal growth and development. Check out our Mind Power Reading list at. Also, take advantage of the positive learning materials on youtube and other media resources. Also, use this time to focus on what you intend to accomplish when things return to normal.  

Practice Gratitude

Yes, these are challenging times for all of us. Amid the storm, be encouraged to reflect on what you have to be grateful for. If you are not one the individuals laid up in the hospital fighting for life, there is much to be grateful for. If you have not lost a loved one, family, or friend, you should have no complaints. Think about how fortunate you are to spend this newfound time with your family and have a job to return to when this pandemic is over. If you lost your job, keep the faith that everything is going to work out. Be grateful for good health and a sound mind because there is nothing that you can’t accomplish. Most of all, be grateful for life. Remember, it is up to you to determine your reality going forward. Be grateful for this opportunity to repurpose your life.

I hope the above three strategies can change the way you respond to being housebound for weeks. Come to terms with the reality that life is not how you would like it to be, but it is what it is. How you respond to the shakeup of your normal daily routine, depends on your ability to manage your mindset. 

Written by Dr. RL Kight for Mind Power Solutions. Visit www.mindpowersolutions.com to learn more about our personal development and training services.

Enthusiasm: The best weapon in the battle against procrastination.

Enthusiasm is what makes the difference between reaching our goals and giving up before we get started. Henry Ford said, “Enthusiasm is the yeast that makes your hopes shine to the stars. Enthusiasm is the sparkle in your eyes, the swing in your gait. The grip of your hand, the irresistible surge of will and energy to execute your ideas.”   Henry Ford knew that enthusiasm is the fuel that propels people into action, and it's a powerful weapon in the battle  against procrastination.

I have learned that my level of enthusiasm has nothing to do with my feelings; my feelings wake up on a different side of the bed every day. To take control of my day, I choose the way I feel-I can't let my feelings control me. I have discovered that it’s up to us to shift to a positive frame of mind when feeling discouraged.  So, how do we keep ourselves motivated? How do we stay focused when a task is boring? How do we handle failure when our plan isn't going well?  Staying in the right frame of mind is no easy task.

Here are a few nuggets of wisdom I have found useful to maintain a high level of enthusiasm; they may help you along the way.

  • Associate with positive thinkers; their self-confidence has a way of rubbing off on us.  Stay away from negative people. There’s nothing like meeting someone in the elevator first thing Monday morning and they already wish it was Friday.  I can’t wait to get away from them. Attitudes are contagious-negative people infect us with their negative attitudes. 

  • Schedule difficult tasks for the time of day when your energy is highest. If you haven't determined the best time for you to tackle the day's least appealing jobs, try doing them as early as possible.  For instance, I find it much easier to go out for a 15-mile run on Saturday mornings at 6:00 am rather than at 3:00 pm.  My body functions better earlier in the day.

  • Develop a mindset that no problem to too big for you to tackle.  Tackle the problem that's been a thorn in your side for a while. When you get in the habit of making things happen, your enthusiasm goes through the roof.  Delaying the task before you only lead to depression and anxiety.  You will feel energized and full of life once you have made what seemed impossible, possible.

  • Identify the time of day when you are usually most efficient, schedule some of your least enjoyable tasks for that time.  When you breeze through a task with ease and competence, make a note of your frame of mind.  And ask yourself what factors might have contributed to making you more productive. When you start to discover a pattern, you will have found how to operate at a higher level every day.

  • Stop holding yourself hostage to your failures of yesterday. Perhaps, we didn’t handle a situation as good as we should have.  That was then, and this is now.  We must continue to learn new things as if we were going to live forever, while living each day as if it were a new beginning.  Regardless of the task before us, we must give it our best because it could very well be our last day on earth.

 Always remember that enthusiasm is a choice. Mark Twain said, "Do something every day that you don't want to do; this is the golden rule for acquiring the habit of doing your duty without pain."  Make the choice to be a person of action; get things done no matter how small or big the task.

Unleash Your Creative Thinking

There is a misconception that only a select few are gifted with the ability to engage in creative thinking. As result, we often hear statements such as “Only he/she could have come up with this marvelous idea.” In the workplace leadership tends to call on those supposedly creative thinkers for their insight and/or perspective. Unfortunately, too many of us doubt our own ability to produce creative ideas. I am here to tell you that we all have the power to engage in creative thinking.  

Creative thinking is a skill that can be learned. It’s nothing more than looking at things that everyone else sees, but in different ways.  It is about not being afraid to ask “why not?” It’s having the courage to go against the old status quo. Creative people and organizations constantly search for new solutions and opportunities to grow. They have the foresight to look at what appears to be a perfectly good situation and come up with new ideas to make it better. More importantly, creative thinking is having confidence in your ability to bring forth new ideas and opinions from within and not care what others think of them.

If you don't actively utilize your creative thoughts, this skill is likely to be view as non-existent. We all know people who once appeared to have a mind full of creative thoughts? For whatever reason, these creative juices seem to have vanished, and they find themselves stuck doing the same thing over and over producing meaningless results. 

So how do you unleash your creative thinking?  I’d like to offer several strategies that you may find helpful to tap into this hidden reservoir of ideas.

·       First, become a seeker of information. I am not suggesting that you absorb information just for the sake of it, I am saying that you should take in as much knowledge and learning as you can find. Read everything available -- good and bad and keep your mind open to the unlimited possibilities of the universe. I personally read at least three books per month to increase my knowledge base and awareness of various topics.  I have discovered the more you know, the more you'll want to know, and the more your creative thoughts will evolve. 

·       Second, engage in creative activities daily. There are a number of simple activities you can do to enhance your thinking process. Doodling is a simple but stimulating activity. Practice drawing for a couple of minutes each day. Take out your cell phone camera and start snapping photos of the world around you. Keep a journal and make a point to write in it every day. Before you know it, you'll have built yourself a tiny portfolio, and you'll be amazed at the growth you've undertaken and changes in your thinking process.

·       Third, thinking out of the box is not always the best route to take. Sometimes, constraints are actually a good thing. Creative freedom is great, but limitations enforce discipline. Reflect on how you can better utilize what you already have. For instance, forcing oneself to live within their financial means challenges them to come up with creative ideas to maximize the resources they have.  

·       Fourth, try something new every day and let the experience broaden your perspective. Explore a new community on your drive home from work. Spend an afternoon in a museum to which you've never gone before. Chat with a total stranger while traveling on public transportation.  Open up to the people around you. As you thrust yourself out of your comfort zone more and more each day, your sense of adventure grows and so will your zest for living.

·       Fifth, do something you have never done before. When was the last time you did something for the first time?  If it's been a while, I tell you, you've been missing out on a whole lot of experiences that could add to your growth, emotionally, mentally, physically, or spiritually. To run my first marathon (26.3 miles) at age 60 was a tremendous morale booster.  If running is not your thing, why don't you try bungee jumping or sky diving? Not only will you learn something about yourself, but you will also have plenty of stories to share, enabling you to improve your storytelling skills and make you a more outgoing person.  

I hope you feel inspired to start thinking beyond your self-imposed limitations. If you follow these steps, you'll soon be living a life full of adventure. Unleashing your creative thinking will make you far more productive and add meaning to your life.

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