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We Can Do More Than Survive, We Can THRIVE!

The past several years have been challenging, but we survived. Political chaos and COVID-19 interrupted our normal routines and caused many of us to put our lives on hold. This is still a relatively new year, and we can do more than survive.  It’s time we take back control of our lives and THRIVE.  Although not always an easy thing to do, we must seek to find peace of mind and fulfilment in all that we strive to do.  To THRIVE means different things to different people. For me, I THRIVE when I experience success in the pursuit of my dreams, goals, and aspirations and complete whatever I start.  Others may view THRIVE as finding balance and stability in their mental, physical, social, and spiritual development.  There are also people who equate their ability to THRIVE to the attainment of material possessions.  No matter how one gauges their effectiveness to THRIVE, it comes down to having the right mindset.  I would like to offer that it can be difficult to find peace of mind and fulfilment without a sense of emotional stability, personal accomplishment, productiveness, and gratitude in your life.

Emotional Stability

Emotional stability plays an important role in our ability to THRIVE.  We must control our thoughts and emotions.  The act of living brings many twist and turns, but we must keep moving forward.  In the story Fences, the character Troy, a former baseball pitcher, would say, “you have to take the crooked with the straight and keep swinging.”  We cannot afford to allow negative thoughts to dominate our thinking. We can eliminate negative thoughts by changing our perspective of the situation.  Negative thoughts often arise from deeply held beliefs that trigger certain reactions in us. An unforeseen incident or event can turn our world upside down, if left unchecked.  The loss of a loved one, illness, job loss, or failed relationship can bring on a  sense of hopelessness and despair. Its normal to react to these unexpected situations because of how they make us feel, but we must not allow them to control us.  Failure to control our thoughts only empowers external forces to determine our responses to the situation.  We have the power to overcome negative situations by controlling our thoughts. Ask yourself what is the lesson to be learned or the assignment to be carry out.


It is difficult to THRIVE if you sit around and allow the world to pass you by.   We must work towards the accomplishment of our desired goals every day.  We must set realistic goals that are doable and achievable within a set timeframe.  The successful accomplishment of at least one task each day will bring you closer to whatever you desire.  Remember as the old saying goes, “Don’t put off for tomorrow that which can be done today.”  No matter how we feel, we must get up and do something every day.  The feeling of success from achieving a small thing will do wonders to motivate you keep you going forward to achieve bigger things.  This requires us to live each day with purpose and intent.  Do a little bit here and a little bit there, before you know it, you will have accomplished a lot.  The successful achievement of each goal will bring a great feeling of accomplishment and self-worth.  The more we accomplish, the more we  will believe in our ability to get things done. 


To THRIVE requires us to use our time wisely.  We cannot blame our failure to get things done on lack of time.  We all have 24 hours a day, 168 hours a week, 720 hours a month, and 8,760 hours a year to get things done. How we spend our time will have a major impact on how we live. The people who make the best use of their time are far more likely to find success in whatever they do.  Remember, nothing from nothing gives nothing.  We must put in the time and effort if we expect something in return.  I believe they call it work.  We must avoid engaging in self-destructive behavior.  It’s okay to have fun but too much fun is counter productive.  We must maintain balance in use of our time.  This requires a great amount of self-discipline and focus.  Don’t be distracted by opportunities that seem too good to be true.  There are no short cuts to success.    It is critical that we use our time effectively to be as productive as possible 24/7. 


The expression of gratitude is the foundation in our quest to THRIVE.  There is something to be grateful for every day of our lives.  It’s easy to focus on what seems to be going wrong or what we wish we had.  We must be thankful for the opportunities that enable us to learn and grow, and the support we receive from others.  We must also show an appreciation for what has happened or is happening in our lives, whether big or small, good or bad.  It is important that we find pleasure in every step along the journey to reach our full potential.  A simple expression of gratitude enables us to keep a positive outlook no matter the outcome.  Gratitude can also help us stay focused during the most difficult of times.  Life is not always going to be easy, but with the right attitude we have a chance to succeed at achieving our goals.  We should start each day with a spirit of gratitude for another opportunity to participate in the arena of life.

This is your year to THRIVE.  Forget about what happened or did not happen over the past several years.  Use the time and upcoming months to create the life you desire.  Remember this anonymous saying, “Our eyes are in front because it’s better to look ahead than to look back.  Don’t dwell on negative situations from the past.  Learn from them and keep moving forward.” 


Written by Dr. RL Kight for Mind Power Solutions.  Visit www.mindpowersolutions.com to learn more about our personal development and training services.