The Power To Think, Do, and Become

I hope you are having a great day. It’s been months since my last blog. I took a mental break and now I am back and ready to go. This week’s article discusses the importance of our capacity to thinkdo  and become  whatever we desire in life. The focus is to encourage readers to tap into their innate power to overcome circum-stances that often impede their growth and development. We have all heard, “You have the power to control your destiny.” or “Your destiny is within your hands.”? Although we may believe this is true, taking control of our destiny is no easy task. There will be many unexpected challenges and obstacles along the way. No matter what we set out to accomplish, the road to success is going to put us to the test. After proving ourselves worthy to move beyond one test, another is usually waiting around the corner. Our preparation for past life’s tests is greatly reflected in how we think, what we do, and become with our lives.   


The power to think is one of our greatest attributes as humans. It separates us from all other creatures in the Universe and makes us co-creators of our thoughts and ideas. The ability to think empowers us with the capacity to generate ideas to change our circumstances and to create the world we desire. So be careful of the ideas that you allow to take root in your head because they are likely to become your reality. The writer James Allen said, “A person’s mind may be likened to a garden, which may be developed to the highest or allowed to run wild; but whether developed or neglected, it must, and will, bring forth a harvest.”  You must protect your mind from negative thoughts to achieve your highest good.  

It is estimated that our mind thinks more than 60,000 thoughts each day. This represents close to 2,500 -3,000 thoughts per hour. Research suggests that at least 80% of them are negative thoughts. We have no control over where these thoughts originate, but we do have control over our response to them. It’s our choice to hold on to the positive ones that enable us to do our best or to let go of the negative ones that keep us stagnated, living below our full potential. Either way, what we think plays a major role in determining how we respond to the challenges of life. 

How we think is also greatly influenced by our environment, culture, and experiences in life. They help to form our belief system which shapes our view of the world. We either believe we can or cannot bring our ideas into existence. If you don’t believe that you are worthy of being successful, you are more likely to set low expectations for yourself. Therefore, you must not be afraid to question your beliefs. Just because you believe it, doesn’t make it true. Too many of us have been holding on to false beliefs that have held us back from fulfilling our destiny. For example, we reach a certain age and let our bodies go because we now believe that we are too old to work out. We stay in self-destructive situations, believing it’s the best we can do. In his book Mind Power, John Kehoe advocates that we question our beliefs to get to the root causes of our problems. It is our limiting beliefs that keep us from achieving our goals. It’s all in the mind. We are who we believe we are. What we think, determines what we do.  


What we do is the manifestation of our inner thoughts. To succeed at anything requires that we first see ourselves being successful in the mind. This demands clear and focused thinking. As such, we must rid our minds of negative thoughts such as fear, anger, and failure. There can be no doubt in our ability to get things done. We must take on the persona that we are unstoppable. Our actions must convey self-confidence to do what others said could not be done or doubted our ability to succeed. 

The Nike slogan, “Just Do It!” is powerful. Three simple words that place an awesome challenge before us. To “do” requires action. We must be willing to put forth the effort to achieve our desires. Many of us want more out of life, to change our current situation, start a business, pursue a new career, but can’t seem to get started. Day in and day out we find ourselves in the same old rut. To change current circumstances or to accomplish what we desire, demands that we transform our thoughts into action. Our thoughts and ideas will never become a reality unless we act. Sorry to tell you that you can pray for success 365 days a year, but unless you act nothing will change. It requires an investment of time and energy to make our vision real. We have been led to think that we need money to make our dreams come true, but I have come to realize that it’s how we use our time and energy that enables us to convert nothing into something. The self-made businessman, John Wanamaker use to say, “Nothing comes merely by thinking about it.” We must act.

If your actions are not producing the desired outcome, that’s a sign that you need to do something different. Some of us have been doing the same thing for years, feeling trapped because things haven’t worked out as planned. The response is too often blame others or life’s circumstances for our shortcomings and failures. Perhaps, it’s time to reassess how you spend your time. Just because you are busy doesn’t mean that you are being productive. What we do with our time determines who we become. All of us are given 168 hours in a week, 8,736 hours in a year. We must use our time wisely to become the person we desire to be. To be, or not to be, is up to us and no one else.  


To be is to become that which you were meant to be. We each have a God-given purpose and it’s up to us to fulfill it. You will know when you find your purpose because it will bring joy to your heart and peace of mind. If not, what you are doing may not align with your mind, body, and spirit. From the time you arise in the morning until resting your head at night, your primary focus should be on becoming the person you are destined to become. When you reflect on your day and don’t like the person that you have become, it’s time to make a change. You may be living someone else’s story or implementing somebody else’s plan for your life. Perhaps, you should take a chance on yourself, live your story and implement your plan.   

You must be in the moment. Stop waiting for the timing to be right because you only have today. There is a Zen saying, “ Tomorrow is an illusion that never comes, the only reality is now.” Start today to transform into the person you desire to become. Conduct yourself in a manner reflective of your true self. If you aren’t there yet, fake until you make it. Sure, people are going to say that you are not the person you use to be. Hopefully, it’s for the better. A wise man once told me that a person will become a runner when they become one with the run. Likewise, a person who sings will only become a singer once they become one with the song. This requires an alignment of the mind, body, and soul, no matter what you are striving to accomplish. Otherwise, your efforts are no more than going through the motions.   

To become the new, you often require that you leave the old you behind. This requires giving up old habits that don’t contribute to your growth and development. We have all know people who were at the doorway of success, but they just couldn’t go forward and leave their old ways behind. Although the desire to succeed may have been there, the pull of the old way of doing things was too strong. Old habits tend to provide a familiar comfort zone or haven for us if you will. Therefore, you must be willing to reinvent yourself by practicing new habits. You can do it. I encourage clients to try practicing doing something different for 3-months. Whatever you practice for 2-3 months is likely to become a new habit. You will no longer have to think about what you want to be because you will have become who you were meant to be. 

Yes, I firmly believe that we each have the power to control your destiny. It all comes down to how we think, what we do with our time, and strive to become in our daily lives. Our success depends on us. Others can assist, but they can’t want more for us than we want for ourselves. 

Written by Dr. RL Kight for Mind Power Solutions. Visit to learn more about our personal development and training services.